B2B HelpDesk

B2B HelpDesk – In any e-commerce system especially in b2b business. B2b E-commerce system requires complex and very robust service desk software.

Helpdesk market is flooded with loads of SAAS based solutions. But There are still very less helpdesk system which is built for b2b Ecommerce marketplace

We are working on loads of b2b platforms including Magento 2, Orocommerce, Opencart and Akeneo.

We have built a couple of helpdesk solution

  • SAAS based Helpdesk System – Uvdesk
  • Various Helpdesk Plugins for Platforms like Magento 2, Opencart, Prestashop etc.

We will discuss both the version and its advantages and disadvantages.

Must have Feature for any HelpDesk Software

As there are loads of helpdesk software already available it becomes very hard which to choose? Also, b2b e-commerce is quite unique in nature. Migration from one helpdesk software to another is really super hard task. Here are key features you should consider while selecting the b2b Helpdesk software

Email Piping [ Ticket creation via email ]

This is super important and a must-have feature. If your helpdesk software does not have this feature then I would say please dont choose the helpdesk extension or software.

We offer Email piping as a core in all of our solution. Please find the list of extension and software which provides email piping.

  1. Magento 2 Helpdesk Extension
  2. Magento Helpdesk Extension
  3. Opencart Helpdesk Extension
  4. SAAS Based helpdesk system Uvdesk


Magento 2 Helpdesk Extension

Magento 2 rises as a major b2b eCommerce platform.  It is always easy to start with Magento 2 and also include B2b Features in the shop.

All of the essential features of b2b service desk extension is already there. Please check here –

B2b Customer support ticket extension solves a lot of problems also help in customer support automation.

Opencart Helpdesk Extension

Opencart is also a well-established PHP based platform in the community. It is very easy to set up and lightweight. Unlike Magento, it does not require to have a dedicated server or cloud.

Opencart in itself does not include any b2b features. But there are loads of extensions available for opencart. Example –

  • Opencart Quick Order Extension – allows a customer to purchase the product in bulk.
  • Sales rep Module – this extension provides the feature of sales representative.
  • B2b Quote System – Using this customer can request quotes for the products.

and many more.


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